Digital heat management

Save up to 32% on heating costs and CO2 emissions!

Digital heat management

Save up to 32% on heating costs and CO2 emissions!

Improve energy efficiency in non-residential buildings.

Rooms in office and administrative buildings as well as educational institutions are not used up to 80% of the time, but are usually heated non-stop. Common measures to reduce energy consumption do not exploit this savings potential of unused rooms because they do not sufficiently take into account the usage behavior of the buildings.

Automated and demand-oriented heat management.

With our demand-oriented heat management, we automatically exploit these savings opportunities for you – while maintaining comfort for the building’s occupants.

The advantages of the complete vilisto system.

Digital, fully automated heat management.

Save up to 32% of your heat consumption. Our self learning thermostats automatically only use as much heating energy as is needed for the well being of the users. Our online platform enables efficient heat management remotely.

Low-investment translate to a short amortization period.

Compared to other energy-saving measures, the vilisto system amortizes within 1-5 years. The increasing CO2 price and funding programs further improve the amortization period.

Immediate climate protection effect.

Reduce the CO2 emissions of your building stock without any constructional measures and thus make an important contribution to communal and corporate climate protection. The vilisto system immediately saves heating energy and CO2 emissions.

Our success stories

Our digital heat management is already active in a large number of properties. As you are reading this, it is also saving heating costs and CO2 emissions.

Selected references

These companies and municipalities are already using vilisto’s digital heat management.

Our climate mission

Already 9.957 tons of CO2 saved!

This is equivalent to 1.244 circumnavigations of the earth with an average gasoline car.

Our awards


Our award-winning product explained in 90 seconds.

Watch our award-winning film on the celebration of our award with the German Innovation Award for Climate and Environment (IKU) 2020. The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the Federation of German Industries (BDI) awarded us the first prize in the category “Use of digital transformation for climate and environmentally friendly innovations”.


What’s new?

Christian Brase, vilisto

How energy efficient are your buildings?

Would you like to know how much energy and CO2 you can save? In a non-binding consultation, we determine the savings potential of your buildings.